Monday, September 3, 2012

To Pottermore and Beyond!!

So I haven't really found much to write about since last time.  But recently, as in within the past week or so, I have once again become a Potterhead.  

I just freaking love Harry Potter.  I really do  My top three fandoms have always been The Legend of Zelda, Lord of the Rings, and Harry Potter.  The rest of my fandoms usually just fall into place after that, but the aforementioned fandoms are always circulating in my head in one way, shape or form.  At the moment it is Harry Potter; two weeks ago it was Zelda.  That's how rapidly they can circulate.  

Back in April I believe, I made an account on Pottermore.  I had heard it was a tad underwhelming, and generally speaking it kind of is.  Nonetheless, I am enjoying learning the background of my favorite characters, most notably Professor Minerva McGonagall.  One of the first things mentioned about Pottermore was that JKR would release characters' pasts, and I hoped that McGonagall would be one of them and she was.  

I digress; basically while surfing Pottermore, you travel through each book and its chapters via "moments," or key scenes in each chapter.  In each of these moments, certain tasks and items get you through to the next moment or chapter appropriately.  It is a very creative way to be more interactive with the books and series as a whole, I will admit, and the artwork for each moment is very appealing.  They're paintings but no faces of any witch or wizard is ever seen, including the Trio's.  I like that aspect of it; it keeps each fan's interpretation of them as the fan's own, despite Dan's, Rupert's and Emma's portrayals. 

My favorite chapter so far has probably been the Diagon Alley chapter.  You buy all your stuff for Hogwarts, and I love shopping, so Harry Potter shopping is great.  I got my wand (elm, dragon heartstrings, 13"--I am very happy mine is long), and then basically you get to Hogwarts.  

Now some backstory: I went to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter last November.  In preparation for that, I took numerous online quizzes just to see to what House I would most likely belong.  Nine times out of ten, it was Hufflepuff (I think once it was Slytherin, lol and maybe a Gryffindor, LOL and occasionally a Ravenclaw).  So once I coped with the fact that I was a 'Puff by re-evaluating the qualities that House values, I was like, "All right, Hufflepuff!"  I can't remember why, but I did not yet have a Pottermore account when I went to TWWoHP; perhaps it wasn't open to everyone yet, I can't really remember. 

So, like anyone would, I answered the Sorting Hat's questions as honestly as I could.  Anyone care to guess into which House I was Sorted?


I was slightly disappointed to be in Ravenclaw at first.  Never had a real affinity for that House.  However, it has some cool things going for it: 

LUNA LOVEGOOD.  She is just about the quirkiest character in the book, but she is a valuable asset and friend to Harry and she really helps him in Deathly Hallows by pointing him in the right direction of Ravenclaw's diadem so Harry can destroy one of Voldemort's Horcruxes.  But I would never get to spend time in the common room because to get into said common room, you have to answer a logical riddle.  >_>  Also, that is a stupid method to get into any secret place--anyone could technically get in.  Prof. McGonagall does indeed gain access to the Ravenclaw common room very easily (  

The best part, and the main reason I signed up, was to glean more background information from the series.  For instance, McGonagall's entire history right up to her actually living at Hogwarts is revealed.  Another thing I find fascinating about the series itself and JKR's writing and idea is that she can seamlessly blend our Muggle world and Harry's Wizarding world together.  A small example is one of the Malfoy's (another family about whom I am very interested to learn) distant ancestors may have had a hand in the Black Death in Europe.  She literally has set up a whole, different but parallel world within our own.  I almost wish the series took place on American shores so we could see the parallels drawn between American history; alas, all awesome things are either Japanese or British so never mind!

At any rate, I really do like Pottermore.  I completed Philosopher's Stone today and went as far as allowed on Chamber of Secrets and I cannot wait for the rest of the series to be released.